Week 7 Reading Response

I chose to read McIntosh (1989): White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. I have read this article several times for several classes. I chose to read it again because through this class I am experiencing things I have know through a new lense. The article starts out describing that we are taught to see others mistreatment…

Reading Response Social Learning

In this week’s reading Lankshear and Knobel (2011) Ch7: Social Learning, “Push” and “Pull,” and Building Platforms for Collaborative Learning the main theme is social learning. First they gave you the background of social learning. A new word for me was ancillary. I read the definition and still was a little confused but the example they gave…

Reading Response Communities of Readers

In this weeks readings Afterword: Communities of readers, clusters of practices Jenkins focused on bringing New Literacies into the classroom. Jenkins starts out by saying that students know technology why not use it. One quote I liked was about how school often move away from platforms like facebook and twitter but why. “Too many educators are…

Academic Blogging

In this weeks readings by Davies & Merchant (2007) Chapter 8: Looking from the inside out: Academic blogging as new literacy they had three main points. Publishing the Self, The Nature and Fabric of the Text, and Social Networks. The chapter talked about blogging and why people blog. The want to share information, about themselves,…

DIY Blog

This week’s readings Lankshear and Knobel (2008) Ch1: DIY Media: A Contextual Background and Some Contemporary Themes, once again changed my view. Last week when I heard the word remix I thought of music now I think of so much more. This week before I did the readings I thought of DIY as little art projects…

Reading Summary Week 2 REMIXED!

I loved the beginning of this chapter! “‘remixing’ involves taking cultural artifacts and combining and manipulating them into new kinds of creative blends and products”  The first sentence had me thinking right away. I always thought of music when I heard remixing. This definition opened my mind to what remixing really is. So much of our…

Technology in the Classroom… Who is the Teacher?

In reading Lankshear and Knobel’s first chapter several things went through my mind. The article discussed new literacies and different ways they are viewed. One of the first pieces that stood out to me was when @batcheloro responded to this quote from the article, “Understanding literacies from a sociocultural perspective means that reading and writing can…